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A classic but delightful experience, High Teas are one of the most relaxing ways to enjoy a Saturday or Sunday lunch in Sydney. Regularly hosted at Doltone House Hyde Park and Sylvania Waters, indulge in bottomless sparkling wine and French teas, whilst biting down on a generous selection of sweet and savoury morsels. The social event does come with some traditions, we’re rounded up our top 5 tips to master the etiquette of High Tea.
Do dress smart casual. While most High Tea events don’t have a specific dress code, this dainty social occasion is the perfect excuse to pull out the pretty frocks.
Doltone House Manhattan – High Tea Venue in Sydney CBD
Scones should be broken apart with the fingers, not cut with a knife and fork. Spread cream first then top with jam. Though this is a debate that will probably never settle. The Cornish tradition is jam before cream, but we find the Devon tradition of topping with jam just that little bit more Instagram-able. But personal preference really! Also never sandwich the scones back together.
As the name suggests finger sandwiches should be eaten with your hands, but small delicate sweet morsels require a fork or dessert spoon. Check out what desserts you can get in our High Tea events near Hyde Park.
The correct way of stirring tea is to place the spoon at the 6 o’clock position and gently stir the tea towards 12 o’clock without touching the sides of the teacup. Don’t fold the tea back and forth or side to side. After you’ve stirred the tea, place the spoon on the saucer next to the cup.
Down Contrary to popular belief, when holding the teacup keep the pinkie down! Now it’s time to put all these tips together and have a beautiful Saturday High Tea with the girls.
Swap brunch for High Tea! Gather your girls for a fun gathering at Doltone House High Tea. Served with Cristina Re or V&A Fine China teaware.